NodeJS ExpressJS and MongoDB Study Matetial
Geeky Shows
We are covering in this course?
- Introduction to Node JS
- Module Wrapper
- Path Module
- File System
- OS and URL Module
- Event, HTTP, DNSĀ
- Introduction to Mongo DB
- Create Database, Collection and Document
- Insert Document
- Retrieve Document
- Update and Delete Document
- Authorization and Role
- What is Framework and Web Framework
- Introduction to Express JS
- Install and Uninstall Express JS
- Setup Express JS with Babel for ES6 Syntax
- Express Generator
- Routing and Router
- Controller
- View
- Using Static Files e.g. CSS, JS, Images etc
- Template Engine with Express JS
- Middleware
- Introduction to Mongoose
- Connect to Mongo DB using Mongoose
- Model
- Schema
- CRUD Document
- Cookies
- Session
- What is API and REST API
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